At the Rainbow Trust, we recognise the importance of educating our children around internet safety, providing them with the skills and tools to live in a technological world safely. We work with staff, pupils and parents/carers to create a school community which values the use of new technologies to enhance learning, encourages the responsible use of technology and social media, following agreed policies to minimise potential e-safety risks.
To ensure that we provide children with the skills to keep themselves safe online, we utilise:
- Kiddle Search Engine to ensure that children are able to search safely and know the tools to support them when at home.
- E-safety lessons and discussions prior to every Computing lesson.
- The celebration of Internet Safety Day to further raise the profile of e-safety.
- Our PSHCE curriculum makes continuous links Internet Safety. For further information regarding our PSHCE curriculum, please click here.
- Our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils have their own individual iPads that they are able to take home with them. We teach them about using them safely and work with their parents to support this with a Home School signed agreement.
- We work alongside parents closely to further develop Internet Safety provision and understanding.
- As part of our Pupil Leadership Teams, we have Digital Leaders who help to run technology throughout the school, delivering support and advice to other pupils and further promoting Internet Safety.
- For further information, please follow this link to our Online Safety page.