Gold Award for Attachment and Trauma Sensitive Schools Award
Report Quotes:
'Whilst there can be no doubt that excellent practice is a whole-team achievement, it is also
only fair to say that the most significant factor in achieving the ATSSA Gold Award is the
inspirational, strong, and visionary leadership of the Headteacher and the SLT.'
'Become a Beacon of Best Practice for other schools working towards Attachment and
Trauma Sensitive Practice: You are supporting schools within the Trust and other local
schools in developing knowledge, strategies and skills through collaboration, training
and information on your website. Going forward, you show commitment to continuing
to share your own vision with other schools who are striving for meaningful, multi-
layered, whole-system wide trauma-responsive practice.'
The Rainbow Flag Award
Report Quotes:
'Through youth voice structures, such as school councils, anti-bullying ambassadors and anonymous feedback mechanisms, students’ ideas and suggestions are actively informing the directions of other Rainbow Flag Award sections.'
Schools of Sanctuary Award
Report Quote:
'Your school has been awarded School of Sanctuary status until July 2025. Amazing and inspiring work!'
School Games Bronze Award 23/24
Ruth Miskin Trained Trust Award