Welcome to
Heygreen Primary School
Our mission is to ensure that, as a school community, we flourish together, as we listen, learn, lead, lift and love.
We educate, inspire and support every child and family that comes under the rainbow.
We are a school, and part of a trust, that pools together expertise, resources and joy for learning, to ensure all of our children achieve and succeed.

Pupils are proud to attend this warm and welcoming school. They model the school’s values consistently well.
Ofsted (Oct 2023)
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well across the curriculum.
Ofsted (Oct 2023)
Pupils take an active role in raising awareness of the rights of refugee families. They welcome pupils who are new to this country into the school with open arms.
Ofsted (Oct 2023)
Children in the early years make a strong start to school life. They quickly become independent and confident in the school environment. Children sustain their concentration when they participate in learning activities. Older pupils build securely on these strong beginnings. They follow well-established routines diligently. Pupils display high levels of self-control and self-regulation.
Ofsted (Oct 2023)
Staff are experts in teaching early reading. This means that pupils in key stage 1 learn to read with increasing accuracy and fluency.
Ofsted (Oct 2023)
The art curriculum is planned in great detail. The intent is clearly set out, as are the pedagogical approaches that teachers are expected to take in delivering the curriculum to pupils of all ages.
Garry White - SIP (March 2024)
You are supporting schools within the Trust and other local schools in developing knowledge, strategies and skills through collaboration, training and information on your website. Going forward, you show commitment to continuing to share your own vision with other schools who are striving for meaningful, multi-layered, whole-system wide trauma-responsive practice.
Jenny Nock (Gold Award ATSSA) Nov 2024

Heygreen Primary School
Taunton Street, Wavertree, Liverpool L15 4ND