What is PSHCE?
PSHCE stands for Personal, Social, HeaIth, Citizenship and Economical education. The Relationships and Health Education statutory curriculum is interwoven through the trust's PSHCE curriculum. It encompases focused PSHCEe and RHE lessons, awareness days, diversity focused sessions (No Outsiders curriculum) and links between PSHCE and safeguarding. All lessons promote British Values and develop children's understanding of how these values are demonstrated in daily school life and within the wider community.
Relationships and Health Education/ Relationships and Sex Education (RHE/RSE)
As per government guidance, Relationships and Health education is fully integrated into our PSHCE scheme of work. Lessons that show coverage of these objectives are highlighted in yellow on the scheme overview. Some of these lessons are based upon the Christopher Wynter scheme of work (e.g. use of cartoon images and some acitvities), but all lessons have been adapted to meet the needs of our communities and cohorts.
All lessons included are statutory and meet the objectives outlined in the Relationships and Health Education curriculum. Additional Relationships and Sex Education resources have also been planned for but are not a part of the yearly overview. Parents/carers still have the right to withdraw from any lessons classed as Sex Education.
All lessons have been planned to be delivered in an age appropriate way and fall in line with the school's Relationships and Sex Education Policy. This can be found under the School Policies tab.
Further Information
This webpage aims to give parents and carers further information on how PSHCE is delivered in our school. We strive to work with parents and carers to ensure we can provide tailored support to our children and the community we serve. Use the tabs above to navigate your way through our school's policy, curriculum and resource examples.
The video below shows the Trust's RSE parent / carers webinar that will give more information on Heygreen's RSE curriculum.
If you have any further questions, please speak to your child's class teacher or a member of the senior leadership team.